Conference in Summer 2017
Mitch’s Thailand Visit

We continue the collaboration on the summer program in 2016. Our specific focus is on the two neutron monitor detectors recently acquired by UWRF. One is partially covered in lead and polyethylene in a configuration similar to a standard (NM64) monitor while the other is a moderated or “bare” neutron detector, consisting of only the polyethylene moderator and proportional counter. Bare detectors are more sensitive to the environment and therefore more susceptible to background than a standard neutron monitor. However used together the two types of detector allow information on the cosmic ray spectrum to be derived. The monitors will be used for training and education purposes and for developing data acquisition software that can be used for other neutron monitors deployed worldwide. For the summer program 2016 Mitchell Ahlswede attended and presented (orally) his work at the Siam Physics Congress (SPC) in Thailand, Jun 7-9, 2017. This conference is the most significant physics conference in Thailand.